Nestled in the Western Ghats, Ettina Bhuja offers a tranquil escape from Bangalore, approximately 250 kilometres away. The journey unfolds through winding roads leading to the quaint village of Horanadu. A 6-kilometer trek awaits from there, winding through lush forests and pristine meadows. At the peak, you’re greeted with a breathtaking vista of valleys and mountains. But beyond the destination, the journey itself leaves an indelible mark, weaving tales of camaraderie and adventure under the starlit sky. Ettina Bhuja isn’t just a place; it’s an experience—a journey measured not just in kilometres but in memories made and moments cherished.
Book your escape to Ettina Bhuja: Where adventure meets tranquility in the heart of nature!
To reach Ettina Bhuja from Bangalore, you can follow these steps:
Once you reach Horanadu, you’ll need to embark on a trek of about 6 kilometres to get to Ettina Bhuja. The trek takes you through lush forests, gurgling streams, and picturesque meadows, offering a truly immersive experience in nature’s embrace.
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